S. Stein

Entrance of the Mousky district, with La Grande Fabrique, S. Stein Department Store appears in the background, ,Cairo, 1904. Photo by Léon et Lévy.

La Grande Fabrique S. Stein, at the entrance of Mousky district, Cairo, 1904. Built by the architect, Antonio Lasciac. Photo by Atelier Reiser.

The Premises

First Floor


Premises in Place Mohamed Ali, Alexandria.

Ladies' and Drapery Department.

Gentlemen's Clothing Department.

Entrance Hall.

Tantah premises.

The story of the well-known establishments of S. Stein was one relating the realization of practical ideals. Founded in Cairo, in 1863, by the late Mr. S. Stein, the business had developed from modest beginnings as a ready-made clothing store to its activities as a wholesale and retail house, with branches in Alexandria, Tantah, Constantinople, Galata, Stamboul, Salonika, and a huge manufacturing base in Vienna. The Alexandria branch was opened in 1875, and occupied an imposing building at the corner of the Place Mohamed Ali and the Rue des Soeurs. It had a total frontage of 200 yards, and in few warehouses in the country could be seen such a lavish array of goods of all descriptions as were displayed in its windows and various departments. Special representatives in Paris, Berlin and London were engaged in order that the house might be supplied regularly with the latest creations of fashion, and the stock was so continually replenished that customers might rely upon all their purchases being fresh and in good condition. Ladies', gentlemen's, and children's requirements, however exacting, were  invariably met, and the firm had the satisfaction of knowing that their clientele included numerous customers who had dealt with them for many years. The secret of their success was that they used every endeavor to secure that in making a new customer they make a new friend.